Pancreatitis is the inflammation of the pancreas. It is of acute type when it appears suddenly and lasts for days while it is said to be chronic when it occurs for many years.


a) Excessive consumption of alcohol.

b) Gallbladder stone is one of the causes of pancreatitis.

c) Cystic fibrosis.

d) Increased calcium levels in the blood caused by an overactive parathyroid gland.

e) Increased triglyceride levels in the blood.

f) Due to some underlying infection.

g) Injury to the abdomen.

h) If any of your family members is suffering from pancreatitis then you’re more prone to be affected.


Acute Pancreatitis:

  •  Pain in the upper abdomen radiating to your back.
  •  After eating there is worsening of abdominal pain.
  •  Nausea.
  •  Vomiting.
  •  There is tenderness in the abdomen on touch.

Chronic Pancreatitis:

  • Upper abdominal pain.
  • Weight loss.
  • Offensive and oily stools (steatorrhea).


  •  Our doctor usually recommends you to hospitalize in order to stabilize pancreatitis.
  •  IV Fluids: Infusion of IV fluids would help you from getting dehydrated.
  • To remove bile duct obstruction a procedure called endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography is done.
  • Gallbladder Surgery: If pancreatitis is caused due to gallstones our doctor may suggest you for a surgery to remove gallstones or gallbladder.
  • Pancreas Surgery: It is necessary to drain fluids from your pancreas or to remove the affected tissue surgery is required.


  • In the case of pancreatitis, our doctor may suggest you to take blood tests to look for an elevated level of pancreatic enzymes.
  • Stool tests: in chronic pancreatitis will help you to measure the levels of fat which suggests the gastrointestinal tract is not absorbing nutrients properly.
  • CT scan: This test is done to look for any gallstones and to assess the inflammation of the pancreas.
  • Endoscopic USG: This procedure is done to look for any blockage or inflammation in the bile duct or pancreatic duct.
  •  MRI: To rule out any abnormalities in gallbladder, pancreas and ducts.


The annual incidence of acute pancreatitis ranges from 13 – 45 for every 100,000 persons and chronic pancreatitis from 5 – 12 for every 100,000. A large increase in the incidence of acute pancreatitis and a smaller increase in the incidence of chronic pancreatitis have been reported.

When to see a GI:

  • If your upper abdominal pain is persistent from a long time.
  • When your pain worsens after eating.
  • Tenderness of abdomen on touch.
  • Offensive oily stools.